Project Vida Health Center (PVHC) is implementing its POWER 4-Uth (Providing Opportunities While Establishing Resilience 4-Uth) program, which replicates two evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention programs in middle schools and high schools in the Socorro and Montana Vista communities of El Paso. The project reaches at least 1,600 students annually. The schools are located in rural areas lacking in community resources and serve predominately Hispanic populations. In addition, both communities have teen birth rates higher than state and national averages. The focus is on creating a culture in the target communities that supports healthy behavior, positive life decisions, and educational success. PVHC contracted with Helix Solutions to provide program evaluation services, including the development of survey instruments to capture the changes in knowledge and attitudes of student participants as it relates to abstinence and teen pregnancy. Other evaluation tasks included a community needs and resource assessment, survey data collection (both handwritten and online), focus groups with program facilitators, students and teachers, mid-year and annual progress reports, and reporting performance measures.